Values and goals

Mitrani, Caballero & Ruiz Moreno is a team of talented and driven individuals, with a strong commitment to excellence, creativity, client service and aim to help our community. Our values are present in our day-to-day activities:

Commitment. We are committed to providing high quality services to our clients as their development and success is very important to us. We enjoy working with our clients and we value that they enjoy working with us.

Teamwork. We work together to help our clients achieve their goals and, to such end, we promote interdisciplinary cooperation.

Integrity. We act with professional and personal integrity in all our decisions, communications and actions within our firm and in our relations with the community.

Respect. We promote respect among members of our firm and with our clients. We are committed to building an inclusive and diverse work environment where different perspectives and opinions are encouraged.

Excelence. We are devoted to providing high standard legal services, based on our profound knowledge of law and the understanding of our clients’ needs.

Experience and Creativity. We propose an innovative approach and we constantly develop new and creative solutions to assist our clients.

Opportunity for talent

We seek bright and innovative attorneys and law students, with talent and drive to take on new responsibilities and handle stimulating and sophisticated work.
We are interested in candidates with an outstanding academic record, solid English-language skills and knowledge of technological tools. Overseas studies and work experience, although not required, is a bonus. We offer an attractive career opportunity:

  • We work for demanding clients that require value added services.
  • Our approach consists of combining our legal expertise, our hands-on involvement with clients’ needs and our creative and practical approach in the design and implementation of legal solutions.
  • We aim at offering our clients clear and timely recommendations to assist them in their decision-making process.
  • We offer our attorneys a career that rewards commitment and merits.
  • We also provide opportunities for an intellectually challenging career within Argentina and overseas.
  • Our practice combines a stimulating workspace with tools and opportunities for professional development.

Program for working mothers

Mitrani, Caballero & Ruiz Moreno acknowledges the increasing role that women play in the legal practice and the importance of creating a program to allow female lawyers to comply with their key role as mothers and, at the same time, continue practicing law, thus ensuring equal opportunities for professional development, regardless of gender.
Our program for working mothers seeks to strike a balance between the demands of motherhood, the objectives of our firm and our clients’ interests.

This program offers a series of options aimed at facilitating female lawyers the possibility of combining family demands with their professional career, allowing the possibility of adopting a flexible regime, which is tailor made for each particular situation.

The purpose of this program is to allow female lawyers to continue their professional development according to their family needs and personal choices.

Our program for working mothers has been recognized in the category of “Best Gender Diversity Initiative” of the 2012 edition of the “Women in Law Latin America Awards 2012” launched by Chambers & Partners. It was also recognized in the 2014 edition of the awards “Hacia una Empresa Familiarmente Responsable” organized by “Fundación Padres” and sponsored by “Centro Walmart Conciliación Familia y Empresa” of the IAE Business School.

Our program was also awarded by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in the category “Responsabilidad Social Empresaria – Público Interno” of the 2015 edition of the competition for companies that, applying CSR principles, show interest in orienting their business with a sustainable view, with the aim of complying with Corporate Social Responsibility according to ISO 26000:2010 criteria.

Career plan

Incoming associates are assigned to a category based on their seniority and previous experience. Their professional development within the firm depends exclusively on their merits and abilities.
We promote the personal and professional growth of our attorneys though a variety of tools, including:

  • Mentoring and assistance in career planning;
  • Periodic (upward, downward and horizontal) performance reviews;
  • Continuous education and training efforts; and
  • Secondments.

Our program was also awarded by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in the category “Responsabilidad Social Empresaria – Público Interno” of the 2015 edition of the competition for companies that, applying CSR principles, show interest in orienting their business with a sustainable view, with the aim of complying with Corporate Social Responsibility according to ISO 26000:2010 criteria.

Administrative staff

The delivery of premier legal services is posible thanks to the talent and dedication of our support staff. We view the professional development of our administrative staff as an important part of our continued success.
Throughout a career at Mitrani, Caballero & Ruiz Moreno administrative staff has the opportunity of learning increasingly advanced skills. We are also committed to continuing adding technological resources to increase the efficiency and capabilities of all of our professionals.


Ana Clara Gómez Casadei

Ana Clara is currently a partner at the firm, working in the Labour Law and Social Security department.

She joined the firm in 2007, 16 years ago. She joined the firm as a trainee at the Information Centre, and her education, studies and training, together with the support of the working groups over the years, have shown that sacrifice, dedication and the desire to progress are rewarded.

Team Work

Teamwork empowers individual aptitude, reinforces purpose and drives ideas forward.

Having a group and global mindset means seeing the opportunities the world has to offer.

The synergy of the whole achieves in an articulated way all the tasks to be carried out and not to be distributed and then united. We are an organisation based on companionship.