Bérèterbide, Ignacio

Partner, Patent and Trademark Agent

Bérèterbide, Ignacio

Partner, Patent and Trademark Agent


T: +54 (11) 4590-8667
F: +54 (11) 4590-8668


Ignacio M. Bérèterbide has extensive experience in advisory and transactional work related to intellectual property matters, as well as on IP litigation. He is particularly knowledgeable in licensing and in a wide range of IP contractual matters.

Mr. Bérèterbide leads the Intellectual Property practice at . Prior to joining the firm, he was a senior associate within the Industrial and Intellectual Property department at Bruchou, Fernández Madero, Lombardi & Mitrani (2003-2007), and an associate with Allende & Brea in charge of the Practice of Trademarks, Patents and Copyright (2000-2003). From 1995 to 2000 he was an associate at Estudio Liprotti, specialized in trademark and patent litigation.

He was an acting professor of International Private Law at the Universidad Católica Argentina, School of Law (1995-2000).

Mr. Bérèterbide has been repeatedly recommended as one of the “Leaders in their field” (Intellectual Property-Argentina) by Chambers Latin America, IAM and Managing Intellectual Property, among others.

He is a member of the Argentine Association of Patent & Trademark Agents (A.A.A.P.I.), Secretary of LES Argentina (LES International – Licensing Executives Society International), member of the Judicial Affairs Commission of the Argentine Association of Patent & Trademark Agents (A.A.A.P.I.) and member of the Intellectual Property Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce in Argentina.


“El DNU 274/2019 y la prescripción de las acciones marcarias”, published in the Industrial and Intellectual Property supplement of ElDial.com Express. September 25, 2019.

“Marcas y deslealtad comercial: análisis a la luz del DNU 274/19”. At the XXXIII Annual Workshop of Industrial Property. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial (A.A.A.P.I.), 2019.

“Restricciones del Derecho del Inventor. Formas de Extinción”, Subject: Patents and other Forms of Protection of Innovations, Master’s in Intellectual Property, Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2019.

“Marcas. Limitaciones al Ius Prohibendi. Agotamiento del derecho marcario y usos atípicos de marcas ajenas”. Subject Derecho de Marcas y de la Competencia. Master’s in Intellectual Property, Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2019.

“Fronteras entre el Derecho de Autor y la Propiedad Industrial”, Subject In-depth Copyright. Master’s in Intellectual Property, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2018.

“Transferencia de Tecnología. Algunas Cuestiones Prácticas sobre los Contratos y su Inscripción”, at the Buenos Aires City Bar Association. Auguest 18, 2016.

“Secretos Comerciales e Industriales”. At the Refresher Course for Patent & Trademark Agents.  Buenos Aires, Argentina: Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial (A.A.A.P.I.), 2015.

“Patentes, Marcas y Secretos Industriales”, module of classes in Postgraduate Law, Universidad Católica Argentina. August 2015.

“En la Frontera de la PI: Secretos Comerciales y Know How”. At the XXVIII Annual Workshop of Industrial PropertyBuenos Aires, Argentina: Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial (A.A.A.P.I.), 2014.

“Bienes Intangibles – Patentes, Marcas e Información Confidencial – Secreto Industrial”.At the Conference on Legal impact of New Technologies. Santa Fe, Argentina: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), 2008.

“Interacción entre el Derecho de Marcas y las Normas sobre Lealtad Comercial y Competencia Desleal”. At the XXII Annual Worshop of Industrial Property. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial (A.A.A.P.I.), 2008.

“Contratos de Licencia: Cláusulas Habituales, Olvidadas, Recomendables y No Tanto”. At the Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial (A.A.A.P.I.), 2007.

“Visión de los Exportadores – Experiencias Prácticas- Articulación con el Sector Público Argentino”. At the International conference on the Fight against Counterfeit and Piracy. Buenos Aires, Argentina: World Customs Organization, 2007.

“A three-country infringement strategy (Argentina, Brazil and Chile)”, co-authored with Erica Denise Lerner, Intellectual Property Supplement, 2005. 

“Garantía de evicción en infracciones a derechos de Propiedad Industrial”. At the 2nd Session on Intellectual Property. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Universidad Austral, 2005.

“Excepción de defecto legal: Alcance limitado del art. 354 ‘in fine’ del C.P.C.C.”, El Derecho, 1997, pp.177-112


Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI)
(Patent and Trademark Agent, 2003)
Universidad Católica Argentina, School of Law (Abogado, 1994)

Bar admissions

Buenos Aires, 1994


Spanish and English


T: +54 (11) 4590-8667
F: +54 (11) 4590-8668