
Within the energy sector, our Firm and its members have been involved in major projects that include electric power generation, transmission and distribution.

Nuclear energy:

  • Yokowaga’s nuclear activities in Argentina.
  • China National Nuclear Corporation’s construction and operation of the fourth nuclear power plant to be built in cooperation with Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A.
  • China Nuclear Energy Industry Corp’s drafting and negotiation of construction and supply of fuel agreements in connection with the construction and operation of the fourth nuclear power plant to be built in cooperation with Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A..
  • Spanish contractor group, Dragados y Construcciones Argentina S.A.’s claims against the CNEA (Argentine Nuclear Energy Agency) in connection with the Atucha II Nuclear Power Plant.

Thermal and hydroelectric energy:

  • LG&E Energy’s purchase and sale of Edesal (electricity distributor in Northwestern Argentina)
  • LG&E Energy’s privatization of EDEMSA (the Province of Mendoza’s electricity distributor company)
  • LG&E Energy’s construction and operation of Central Eléctrica Tucumán, in the Province of Tucumán
  • Privatization of SEGBA, Argentina’s largest electricity distribution company
  • CMS Energy’s acquisition of Hidroeléctrica El Chocón S.A. (hydroelectric power plant).
  • CMS Energy’s acquisition of Central Térmica Mendoza S.A. and Cruz de Piedra S.A., both thermal power plants located in the Province of Mendoza. Mr. Ruiz Moreno became counsel to the companies and member of the board of directors
  • CMS Energy’s acquisition of EDEERSA, the Province of Entre Ríos’ electricity distribution company. Horacio Ruiz Moreno became counsel to the company and member of the company’s syndics committee. He also drafted the Province of Entre Rios’ electric power regulatory framework;
  • Privatization of Central Térmica San Nicolás (thermal power plant)
  • Privatization of Centrales Térmicas Patagónicas (thermal power plant)
  • Privatization of Hidroeléctrica Diamante and Hidroeléctrica Nihuiles (hydro plants)
  • Privatization of Hidroeléctrica Ameghino (hydro plants)
  • Capitalization plan of all the electrical sector’s electric power generation, distribution and transport called by the Republic of Bolivia
  • CMS’s tax and regulatory matters related to the reorganization plan of its electricity business in the Republic of Argentina
  • Privatization of the hydro electrical power plant Futaleufú.
  • Argentine Federal Government and Chemical Bank’s sale of the residual shares of EDESUR and EDENOR (electricity distribution companies), EDELAP (electricity distribution company), and TRANSENER (electricity transportation company), including the drafting of bidding terms and conditions, the share purchase agreements negotiation and the sale process through a stock auction process in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
  • Regulatory aspects of electric power generation plant Central Piedrabuena’s activities
  • Counsel to CTM and TESA, concessionaries of the transmission lines and international interconnection with Brazil.
  • Soenergy’s daily operations as power generator including its new Salto and Rio Tercero power plants
  • Brazilian Alumini’s operations as developers and operators of electricity transmission lines in Argentina
  • AGEERA’s (Generators Association) dispute in connection with the so-called “ALEX FUNDS” against CAMMESA (electric power dispatch company) and the electricity transmission companies
  • State-owned IEASA sale of a joint controlling stake in Citelec, the controlling company of Transener, electric power transmission company.
  • Líneas de Transmisión del Litoral S.A. (LITSA), daily advice on regulatory and environmental matters
  • Electricite de France (EDF) and Saur Internacional S.A. (SAURI), in connection with their interests in SODEM S.A., holding company of Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad de Mendoza S.A. (EDEMSA).
  • Electricite de France (EDF) in connection with its interests in Electricidad Argentina S.A. (EASA), holding company of Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora Norte S.A. (EDENOR), including intervention during the renegotiation process of EDENOR’s concession agreement, initiated as consequence of the economic emergency declared in 2002.
  • Electricite de France International S.A. (EDFI), in the acquisition of Saur Internacional S.A. (SAURI)’s interest in SODEM S.A.
  • Electricite de France International S.A. (EDFI), in connection with EDFI’s interests in Electrigal S.A., holding company of Empresa Eléctrica por Distribución Troncal de Cuyo Distrocuyo S.A. (DISTROCUYO), including advice during the renegotiation process of DISTROCUYO’s concession agreement, initiated as consequence of the economic emergency declared in 2002.
  • Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad de Mendoza S.A. (EDEMSA), daily advice on regulatory matters, including claims against provincial regulatory agency (Ente Regulador Provincial de la Electricidad, EPRE).
  • Central Puerto S.A., Orazul Energy Cerros Colorados S.A. and Enel Generación El Chocón S.A., in connection with a claim filed against the National Ministry of Energy and Mining requesting a tariff adjustment for their generation concessions over the hydroelectric power plants: “Piedra del Aguila”, “Planicie Banderita” and “El Chocón”, located in the Provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén

Renewable energy:

  • Pattern Energy’s wind power project in Bahía Blanca
  • Soenergy’s wind and solar power projects in the province of Catamarca
  • Isla Power’s solar power projects in the Province of San Juan
  • Ledesma and Ledesma Renovables’s solar and biogas projects in the Province of Jujuy.
  • Mitsui & Co in the acquisition from Total Eren of a 34% interest in wind farm Vientos Los Hércules

Related project finance:

  • A syndicate of banks (Banco Rio de la Plata S.A., BankBoston, N.A., Citibank, N.A., BBVA Banco Frances S.A. and Bank of America, N.T. & S.A.), in connection to a loan agreement granted to Hidroeléctrica Piedra del Aguila S.A. and its holding company, Hidroneuquén S.A.
  • Citibank N.A., in connection with certain loan agreement granted to José Cartellone Construcciones Civiles S.A., secured through the assignment of certain credit rights related to: (i) the construction of the hydroelectric power plant “Las Maderas”, property of the Province of Jujuy and financed by the Federal Government; (ii) the performance of civil works in “Piedra del Aguila” dam, property of Hidroeléctrica Norpatagónica S.A. (Hidronor S.A.).
  • Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A., in connection with: (i) The international tender process of the “NEA-NOA N° 05/2007” related to the construction of the “Interconnection NEA-NOA, West Section”, under the “Great North Electrical Transmission Program”. The bank entered into an agreement with Elecnor de Argentina S.A. and Elecnor S.A. (bidders) to act as trustee, considering the banks’ experience in the administration of trusts related to electric and/or energy infrastructure projects; and (ii) the “Fund for Necessary investments to allow the increase of the offer of electric power in the wholesale electricity market” (Foninvemen).