
The bilateral relationship and trade between Chile and Argentina have been improving and increasing constantly for the last four decades. Mitrani Caballero & Ruiz Moreno provides legal advice and assistance to Chilean clients and to multinationals companies doing business in Argentina and Chile.

With a lawyer from our firm based in Santiago, Chile, a deep understanding of the idiosyncrasy of both countries, and a network with the most reputable Chilean law firms we provide legal advice to our clients on their transactions, projects and cross-border businesses, regulatory disputes and litigation in Argentina and Chile.

Our Chilean credentials include:

  • Assessment on distribution and commercial agency regulations in Chile, Argentina and Latin America for integral review of contract management in the region, termination of agreements, and new distribution and agency agreements (2020/2021).
  • Representation of a blockchain technology company’s trademark portfolio worldwide, assisting the client in filing application for its trademarks in Argentina, Chile and other countries in Latin America, USA and Europe (Ripio) (2020/2021).
  • Protection of a client’s trademark portfolio in Chile and other countries in Latin America (Pirelli & C. SPA) (2020/2021).
  • Request of approval and clearance before competition authorities in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Mexico of and M&A transaction, after a thorough analysis of certain aspects of the transaction to provide authorities with elements to determine whether or not the concentration implied a change in the nature of target’s control (Southern Cross Group) (2020).
  • Assisted a Chilean venture capital fund in the due diligence and structuring of a venture capital investment in an Argentine company to develop operations both in Argentina and Chile (Fondo Clin) (2020).
  • Representation in claims seeking the cancellation of the registration of our client’s trademark in different jurisdictions, obtaining favorable decisions including a ruling from the Chilean Supreme Court (Bensimon) (2020).
  • Assisted a Chilean company from the naval and marine industry in its incorporation in Argentina (Eilers) (2019).
  • Assisted an international packaging company in a complex M&A transaction that included three jurisdictions (Argentina, Chile and Mexico) and rendered legal advice on competition and antitrust matters throughout the entire process in all jurisdictions involved (Ball Corporation) (2019).
  • Legal counsel to a private equity firm to finance the acquisition of a portfolio of data centers from in Spain, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Argentina (Asterion Industrial Partners) (2019).
  • A TSX listed mining company, in the assessment of the Argentine permitting and associated infrastructure to serve a metallic mining project located in Chile, under the bi-national Chile-Argentine mining protocol (2018).
  • Advised a technology, engineering and industrial company in tenders in different South American countries and on the main customs and tax implications in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia and Peru for the development of local projects in the different countries (2018).
  • Advised in tax and regulatory aspects related to the acquisition of a gold mine in Argentina by a Chilean Company (Mineros) (2018).
  • Trademark protection of a client trademarks in Latin America and Caribbean countries, including due diligence and new filings (FUCHS) (2015).
  • Advised on comparative advertising in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina, rendering accurate and nurtured opinions on legal matters related to complex and challenging advertising cases and campaigns (SC Johnson) (2013).
  • Advised a client in connection with the provision of goods and services to coal terminals in Chile (2010).
  • Advised a client in the construction of the Antofagasta highway in Chile (2010).