Antitrust and Competition

As government enforcement activities become increasingly rigorous and intense in most countries, antitrust and competition laws are having a growing impact on businesses operating domestically, regionally and in the global market.

Mitrani, Caballero & Ruiz Moreno advises clients on the impact of competition laws on mergers and acquisitions (both domestic and cross-border), joint ventures, minority holdings, commercial arrangements and operations under market dominance. Our lawyers have been involved in several significant proceedings before the Argentine competition authorities. In addition, due to our extensive cross-border practice, we have participated in a significant number of competition and merger control procedures in other Latin American countries, the European Union, Canada and the United States, coordinating and monitoring the advice received from local counsel in each jurisdiction.

Our antitrust and competition attorneys regularly provide legal and practical business advice on commercial behavior and avoidance of anticompetitive practices, and have assisted clients in the establishment of competition compliance programs.