
“A volte penso che non sono argentino: infatti non ho né sangue né cognome italiani.” Jorge Luis Borges

Strong historical roots tie Argentina and Italy, one of the largest industrialized countries in the European Union. Business between Italian and Argentinean investors, both inbound and outbound, have shown increasing improvement over the years.

We have developed a multidisciplinary and multilingual team dedicated to providing legal advise and assisting Italian investors already present in Argentina or that aim at entering into the market.

Our team has closely supported Italian investors through our Italian dedicated desk, based in Milan. Being present in the territory for more than 15 years allows us to provide a personalized assistance to the client in real time and directly in Italy, to facilitate the understanding of Argentinean legal and business context and to smooth negotiations both from idiomatic point of view as well as local framework. It allows a better comprehension of the particularities of the Argentinean market environment and the removal of potential obstacles which may affect the investment or project from the outset.

We believe that being close to the client provides a unique feature in terms of available legal support and improves efficiency and effectiveness to the management of legal assistance in cross border transactions.

Our dedicated team, composed of professionals based both in Italy and Argentina, has in depth knowledge of the Italian business environment and of nuances relevant for Italian investors operating outside of Italy, as well as extensive local knowledge and intelligence on the Argentinean market and on its legal environment. This approach also allowed us to successfully represent Italian interests worldwide through our cross-border practice, including providing integrated services involving different countries in Latin America through one single legal firm. Having a single interlocutor has proven to improve management efficiency and coordination, including costs savings. We provide our advisory services in Spanish, English and Italian.

Likewise, we support Argentinean companies conducting business in Italy. Through referral relationships with several law firms in Italy, including both leading firms and small boutiques with highly focused practices, we contribute our global legal experience and local knowledge, offering a consolidated understanding of Italian business and industry sectors through experience acquired on the ground.

Our almost two decades cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires has also aided Italian businesses in entering the Argentinean market (and vice versa) by seamlessly bridging cultural differences, and developing innovative opportunities.

We provide legal support to Italian investors on a wide range of industry sectors, including Energy, Infrastructure, Heavy Industries, Automotive, Consumer Goods and Retail and Financial Institutions. We deliver added value for clients both through our extensive sector expertise, where many of our attorneys have hands on business knowledge, and by structuring our assistance to take into consideration the financial needs and challenges that face each of our clients.

Among our Italian clients we are proud to work with ENI, Fratelli Branca Distillerie, Diesel, Techint Group and its affiliates Tenaris, Ternium e Tecpetrol, Innowatio, Italferr, Parmalat, Tenacta, Tenova, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Iveco, Krenergy, Ariston, University of Bologna, Instituto Italiano de Cultura, Sogefi Group, FIB, CNH Industrial, Lamborghini, ABB, and private investors in the real estate and agricultural business. We are also members of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Republic of Argentina contributing in the organization of seminars on legal matters.

We assist our Italian clients operating in different sectors on several areas of law, including extraordinary transactions and day to day legal matters.

  •  Assisting and leading the structuring, negotiation and execution of railway project in Argentina
    Client: Italian state-owned engineering company
  • Coordinating and leading structuring of commercial channel in Latin America based on comprehensive fiscal analysis.
    Client: Swiss-Italian digital technologies company
  • Integrated advise on commercial channels in Latin America.
    Client: Consumer goods Italian company
  • Advising on corporate, financial, labor and regulatory matters in Argentina.
    Client: Consumer goods subsidiary of Italian company and Italian parent
  • Advising on real estate investments in Argentina and fiscal regulations
    Client: Italian private investors
  • Advising on corporate, labor and IP matters in Argentina
    Client: Dairy products Italian company
  • Assisting and leading the structuring, negotiation and execution of lithium project in Argentina
    Client: Energy sector Italian company
  • Assisting and leading the structuring and execution of guaranty schemes associated to loan facilities to Argentinean company
    Client: Major Italian bank